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Websites have become flooded with ad-sponsored content and tracking scripts, and online advertisers can use web browsing histories to fingerprint individuals over time, creating shadow user ...
Although threat actors manipulated the malicious Google advertisement to display Homebrew’s correct URL, “,” the ad redirected visitors to the website’s fake counterpart’s URL, “brewe[.]sh.” ...
Hackers are once again abusing Google ads to spread malware, using a fake Homebrew website to infect Macs and Linux devices with an infostealer that steals credentials, browser data, and ...
Mobile advertising is one of the main engines of growth for brands today and an integral part of any digital marketing strategy, especially when reaching millennials and Gen Z. People nowadays spend ...
Ironically, cybercriminals now use Google search advertisements to promote phishing sites that steal advertisers' credentials for the Google Ads platform. The attackers are running ads on ...
We have spaced out our ads so that they do not appear close to each other or try to steal your attention. You may turn off the adblocker now and refresh this web page to see how our ads are placed.
Pixel Banner is a plugin for Obsidian that allows you to automatically add beautiful banner images to your notes using various images providers APIs, direct URLs, or local images with folder-specific ...