Wizard is one of the 12 classes you can choose from in 2024’s revised Dungeon’s & Dragon’s Player’s Handbook (also known as One D&D, 5.5e, and a few other names). Wizards are (literally ...
The latest Dungeons and Dragons playtest aims to turn some of its ‘kind of good’ subclasses into ‘kind of great’ character ...
If you thought Dungeons and Dragons didn’t have enough evil character options, the playtest that dropped today will certainly ...
The Bladesinger Wizard gets a fresh coat of paint in the Forgotten Realms playtest, now with more blade than ever before.
Wizards of the Coast is returning to an expanding the Eberron region with the new Eberron: Forge of the Artificer book.
Bards in Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition need magical items that'll complement their inherent abilities, which means more than just a new lute.