ROURKELA: Farmers depending on Pitamahal dam on Wednesday staged protest seeking immediate steps for the removal of ...
Members of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Louisville District’s Dam Safety Section recently completed the installation of a ...
CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — A new project is set to begin in a few months to help maintain the Wesley Seale Dam in Mathis aimed at improving its dewatering system . The project will help ensure that the ...
With 18 hydroelectric dams on the Columbia River and its main tributary, the Snake River, between the headwaters in eastern British Columbia and its terminus near Astoria, Ore. — and dams on various ...
Landlord allows illegal office use, now wants forgiveness (and no conversion fees). That's The Agenda for March 23-30 ...
The suburban reservoirs that supply 10% of New York City's vaunted drinking water are getting saltier due to decades of road ...
A new study by the NYC Department of Environmental Preservation says high salt levels could force the shut down of ...
China’s leaders must balance making the best use of limited water with local, environmental and diplomatic concerns ...
The impacts of climate change are being felt from projects on the Andes-Amazon river to the projects in the US ...