Wherever you find giants, you also find parasites, bottom-feeders and carrion. When a mighty lion dies in the jungle, tiny creeping crawling maggots and insects and bacteria feast gleefully on its ...
It’s hard to write an obituary for someone you can’t quite believe is dead. But we must look the truth in the eyes, and it is ...
Swinney was grinning like a yokel at the first meeting of the “Council Of The Nations And Regions”, held in Edinburgh but ...
Just a quick bit of housekeeping here with regard to the new Wings comments section, which offers far more functionality but ...
When times are quiet in Scottish politics, as they currently are, our favourite genre of story is “mainstream press belatedly ...
While we get on with some tinkering behind the scenes in the absence of any Scottish political news – we have an exciting new comment system and the Contact form finally works again! – readers may ...
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