We are going to ease into the fracas this year, with local ballot issues and races. First up is a Q&A with the candidates in ...
The LWV of La Plata County supports embedding abortion rights into Colorado’s constitution. We feel strongly about preventing politicians and government from interfering in our most personal and ...
And speaking of biking, there’s good news for those who are, shall we say, vertically averse. The City of Durango announced this week it is adding a new connector trail in the Twin Buttes system. The ...
The Durango Herald endorsement of Clark Craig, Republican candidate for State House District 59, offered several interesting comments. “Craig supports protecting and building strong families” is ...
They told me that too, when I got a new windshield. “Crack the windows a quarter inch.” That’s a really big crack, and it means that as soon as I get a new windshield, I need a new window. “What ...
We must recognize the differences between County Commissioner Matt Salka and his opponent Paul Black. Watching forums and reading letters to the editor reveal two very distinct candidates. I recently ...
We are current and former Colorado Parks and Wildlife commissioners, the body that sets wildlife policy, and we encourage a “YES” vote on Proposition 127. The views expressed here are our own; CPW has ...
This summer, the Biden administration offered Wyoming $35 million to help the state plug and clean up abandoned oil and gas wells. When Wyoming turned down the cash, it seemed hard to believe. It ...
I think I know the answer to the first question, as I’ve watched that same vengeful, insecure, narcissist act this way most of his adult life, especially since 2015, demeaning and insulting anyone who ...