In 1947, the Citizen’s Library Movement of DeSoto County was joined by supervisors of DeSoto, Lafayette, Panola, and Tate ...
The winter of 1947 will always be remembered in Ireland as the year of the Big Snow. Starting at the end of February, the snowstorm continued well into the month of March, bringing the country to ...
On June 28, 1985, Chas LeCourt experienced two life-changing events: He bought a 1930 DeSoto Roadster he named Old Rod, and his granddaughter, Michelle Ignatowicz, was born. At that moment, he ...
This time, he’s not only promoting EVs; he’s talking about his love for classic BMWs. Schwarzenegger was born in Austria in 1947, and he tells the host that the first cars he remembers seeing are a ...
Lala Amarnath and Fazal Mahmood, two cricketers who grew up playing cricket in Lahore, found themselves on opposite sides of history after India's Partition in 1947. Amarnath was a mentor and friend ...
On Sunday, March 2nd, 1947, the ice broke. Under the weight of about 20 children engaged in a game of hockey, a hole formed near the edge of the pond and about six of the group disappeared into ...