The MTA is trying something new to deter fare evaders just weeks after installing spikes on some subway turnstiles.
Just weeks after installing so-called "subway spikes" on certain turnstiles at one New York City station, the MTA is trying another new feature in an attempt to deter fare beaters.
SS&Si Dealer Network has expanded its catalog to include ZKTeco USA's entrance and access control products, providing dealers ...
SS&Si Dealer Network has announced the addition of ZKTeco USA’s entrance control and access control products to its growing ...
New Yorkers taking the subway may soon see spikey new additions to the turnstile gates. The MTA said newly installed sharp metal barriers are meant to deter turnstile jumpers. The installation is ...
A flood of turnstile jumpers skipped the fare at a Manhattan ... were spent on improving service or accessibility, or expanding access to Fair Fares to make commuting more affordable,” he ...