Nadine McCrindle, an executive from Washington D.C. will lead lifesaving operations that include more than 1,000 volunteers and 40 employees.
Jasper City Council meeting, Jasper Mayor Anderson Land presented a proclamation naming March as American Red Cross Month in Jasper.
March is Red Cross Month, and the Red Cross of Southeastern Colorado is celebrating! Executive Director Phil Martinez joined ...
The American Red Cross Northern Arizona Chapter is kicking off its annual March is Red Cross Month celebration to honor ...
The American Red Cross announced that every March the organization honors those who make the lifesaving mission of the ...
Ahead of the 23rd season of "American Idol," it's time to look back on previous winners and see how many actually became ...
The Marietta History Center’s new exhibit, “Seven Degrees of Connection: Marietta Stories and Artifacts from the Vault,” uses ...
The American Red Cross always needs more blood donors and platelet donations.