Kobo has raised the prices of some of its e-reader devices globally. The Kobo Clara BW, the Kobo Clara Colour, and the Kobo ...
Shiny new hardcovers can run you about $30, but you don't need to spend that to be well-read. Here are five tips to get ...
Public libraries have increasingly loaned digital content in the past ten years. Worldwide, libraries that do business with ...
Bookshop.org launched a new platform that allows independent bookstores to sell e-books to readers. Here's a look inside.
Rakuten's Kobo Clara runs a tight race with Amazon's Kindle Paperwhite, but these 4 things put the Paperwhite ahead of its ...
The Amazon Kindle isn't the only e-reader line on the market, but it has been the most popular since it first launched back ...
Amazon’s Kindle has been the default e-reader for over a decade thanks to its long-lasting battery life, capacity to hold ...
The group has been planning the event for about a year. “This year marks the 115th anniversary of the Brooksville Woman’s ...
In the literary world, this year is shaping up to be a good one for fans of cultural criticism: There are new books about Better Call Saul and biographies of James Gandolfini and Lorne Michaels on ...
The program isn’t new—it launched more than 10 years ago as Kindle First, which allowed Amazon customers to buy and download select books a full month before their release. A few years later ...
I really like the Scribe, pricey and limited though it may be. The question is whether you should choose an iPad instead.