In this video, I demonstrate how I put good bugs back into the garden so they can eat bad bugs like aphids and other pests. Go here to get Birdies Raised Garden beds in the USA: <a href=" and use ...
A noisy and impish bird, the magpie retains a grudging respect from Irish people even, in the wake of words from one of ...
Is there an effective treatment for crape myrtle bark scale? It’s not as bad as it was a few years ago, but I’d like to eliminate it.
Climate change affects everything around us, including the bumblebees, or Bummers in Scots, we all love. In a publication last month, the ...
From left. Kathy Stewart, Susan Laume and Dr. Karin Lehnigk after the 2024 caterpillar count where Laume was presented with ...
Fill up winter barren pots with bright color to chase away the blues of winter. Primulas, pansies, violas, cineraria and ...
But if you really want to attract birds to your garden, you may choose to keep your dog inside more. Many flying and ground-dwelling insects are in decline. This is bad news for many birds ...
If you can't "learn to live with them," Neil Sperry suggests a ground cover that makes mowing around them unnecessary ...
Invasive plants (i.e. weeds) have been on the upswing lately as a threat to take over desirable plants, out-compete farm crops, and disturb the fragile health of ecosystems.
Some might disagree, but recent travels in the tropical world to discover a better place has brought me to the conclusion ...