Texas Republican senators are seeking to pass bills which would require the Ten Commandments displayed in classrooms or allow ...
Alabama leaders, however, say they are doing what the voters want and are confident the laws will be upheld by the courts.
BOISE — A bill to require the prominent display of the Ten Commandments in all Idaho public schools was introduced Friday ...
A bill to require the prominent display of the Ten Commandments in all Idaho public schools was introduced Friday with no discussion.
SB 34 makes Ten Commandments one of nine historical documents schools can display, sparking church-state debate.
The Historical Education Displays Act, a new Senate proposal, would give school boards the ability to put the Ten Commandments in public classrooms.
The Historical Education Displays Act, a new Senate proposal, would give school boards the ability to put the Ten Commandments in public classrooms.
Senate Bill 196 would require that a sign listing the Woope Sakowin or seven essential teachings/laws be posted in South ...
A legislative push in Texas has reignited the debate over the role of religion in public education. At the center of the ...
A federal judge on Tuesday ordered government agencies to restore public access to health-related webpages and datasets that ...
Two Kentucky lawmakers say that should involve the Ten Commandments. Rep. Josh Calloway's bill would make displaying the Ten Commandments in public schools a requirement. "It would be a 16x20 inch ...