Bush left office with an approval rating hovering in the low 30s, and his grandest project was the gigantic catastrophe of the Iraq War, which we ... careful than Dick Cheney, who lied without ...
Of the 25 founding members of the PNAC, 10 entered the Bush administration in 2001: Dick Cheney (vice president), Donald Rumsfeld ... Quotation from Lawrence Kaplan and William Kristol, The War over ...
and he and Halliburton manipulated the country into the Iraq War. Paul was essentially accusing Cheney of a profound betrayal: using 9/11 to start a war to profit Halliburton. This is a harsh ...
He also called Cheney out over his support for the Iraq War, which in hindsight has become one of the most unpopular initiatives of the Bush-Cheney administration. “He’s the King of Endless ...
The U.S. Congress has granted President George W. Bush the authorisation he sought to wage war if necessary to disarm Iraq, as the Senate followed the House of Representatives to support him with ...
To begin with, the claim that the invasion “plunged” Iraq ... war’s opponents to assume is surely one of somber reflection, not the resentful braggadocio currently on display. Because to ...
The wall crumbled when the 9/11 Commission disclosed the CIA’s dead-wrong reporting on weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, a false case for a brutal war led by Bush’s son. By the time ...
All elections mark beginnings and endings. One thing this election brought was the end of the dynasty that began when Dick Cheney, age 34, became President Gerald Ford’s chief of staff.