This article introduces a multi-step preparative purification workflow for synthetic peptides using liquid ...
Not surprising, MicroSpher C18 HPLC columnn provides fast analysis not only saves time, it also saves money. If an analysis can be performed in half the time it means that for instance a ...
The Thermo Scientific Syncronis C8 HPLC Columns are recommended for analytes ... Hydrophobic interactions are reduced compared with C18, allowing compounds to elute quicker from the column.
Bioprocessing Technology Institute (BTI), Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR), 20 Biopolis Way, #06-01 Centros, Singapore 138668, Singapore ...
The perfusate was collected and chromatographed in a reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatographic (HPLC) system. The fraction corresponding to synthetic aldosterone was collected and ...
2020). The ExionLC AD HPLC system consisted of an autosampler, a quaternary delivery system and a degasser. The chromatograph was equipped with a Luna Omega PS C18 (2.1 × 100 mm, 3 μm) analytical ...