Emma McGeough, associate professor of animal science at the University of Manitoba, wants to know if enzymes can improve nutrient uptake in cattle that have forage-based diets.
Karla Wilke of the University of Nebraska Panhandle Research and Extension Center shared her thoughts about feeding cows in confinement during drought conditions.
About 80 percent of a black bear’s diet comes from plants (fruits, nuts, berries), 15 percent from insects (termites, ants, yellow jackets) and 5 percent from meat (opossums, armadillos, carrion), the ...
Vegan entrepreneur Owen Ensor wants us to go green by feeding our pets cultivated meat... Express dog food critic Ralph chows ...
It is enough to feed at least one cow, and the results will be evident in terms of milk production," says Ms Meitiaki.Read: Dairy farmers reap fat profits from sexed semen technologyThis simple yet ...
The United States is nowhere near its goal of cutting food waste in half by 2030, according to new analysis from the ...
Florida black bears prefer a mixture of flatwoods ... bird seed or even livestock feed. "Bears are found throughout Florida and sometimes visit neighborhoods," the FWC said.
Back in January, Trout Unlimited celebrated the designation by the Biden Administration of a Monument in northern California ...
Grist dives into Florida’s ironic water scarcity problem, borne from climate change, a development boom, and the ...