Scientists have long believed they understood how life’s genetic code evolved, but new research upends that assumption. By ...
Shortfin makos are the fastest sharks in the sea, but they're failing to outpace the scale of overfishing that is driving ...
The study titled “Consanguine Marriage leads to Hierarchical Imbalance of ABO and STR Frequency and affects the Genetic ...
A team has unearthed new findings about what happens during the minutes and hours after a cell divides, expanding our understanding of human biology -- and potentially leading to better medicines.
Combining long-read DNA sequencing with a predictive artificial intelligence model has provided new insights into DNA ...
DNA replication is happening continuously throughout the body, as many as trillions of times per day. Whenever a cell ...
Nagayama, K. and Hirooka, Y. (2025) Changes in the Mechanical Environment of the Nucleus with Cell Crowding and Its Effects on DNA Damage Resistance. Journal of Biosciences and Medicines, 13, 230-242.
Venter replicated the DNA of a bacterium in 2008 and in ... If everything that occurs at the microscopic, molecular level in plants and animals and other life forms occurs as a result of the precise ...
View our unit and programme catalogue for full details of the structure and unit content of our PhD Engineering Biology. We welcome applications from candidates who aspire to work in a ...