Deep below the surface waters of the ocean lives a mysterious world filled with alien-like creatures. Floating around this dark and eerie place are fascinating animals with the ability to create ...
Daniel, Jack and Matthew Aplin — discovered the squid while driving along a track on the south coast of Wellington, the coun ...
A baited robotic lander lured a magnapinna — a rarely seen bigfin squid — and allowed researchers from Minderoo-UWA Deep-Sea Research Centre and Inkfish to film this cryptic footage.
Its low-energy lifestyle is the ultimate adaptation for life in a resource-scarce environment, proving that in the deep sea, even laziness can be a survival strategy. 5. Vampire Squid—Massive ...
The giant squid is a rare and elusive creature, once thought only to exist in stories of sea monsters called krakens. But in 2004, the Museum was offered a nearly complete specimen caught at a depth ...
The ocean holds many bizarre deep-sea monsters ... Another hundred and 50 meters down, we meet the vampire squid. It has bioluminescent organs called photophores that produce flashes of light ...
The Sea of Cortez, also known as the Gulf of ... Access: Difficult for any average diver. Scientists draw squid up from the deep by fishing lures and study them at night, a time when squid swim ...
The ocean depths are home to a phantasmagoria of bizarre creatures, ranging from the footballfish to the "vampire squid from hell ... brought up from the deep, were shot by famed underwater ...
Researchers exploring the wares of fishers in Vietnam discovered a “supergiant” sea bug species whose resemblance to Darth Vader inspired its name.
Goblin sharks are generally rare, deep-water predatory species classified as living fossils. Its ancestral ownliness reaches ...