A record-breaking number of young people started their Duke of Edinburgh’s Award across the UK in 2023-24 – with more than 330,000 starting their DofE and more than 545,000 participating.
Cadets start by completing the pre D of E badges when they first join the squadron and then at the age of 13 once they enter Year 9 they can enrol on the scheme to do their Bronze Award.
Duke of Edinburgh, Prince Edward Antony Richard Louis, attended the Duke of Edinburgh's International Award (DoEIA)-Nepal, held at SOS Children's Village Sano Thimi in Bhaktapur today. Prince ...
They discussed the positive impact of the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award (DofE) on their personal development and well-being. They also highlighted their contributions to the local community through ...
Susan Thorn and Neil Smith visited Thames Valley Police headquarters as they worked towards their Duke of Edinburgh awards. They are pictured in the control room at Kidlington in 1987 ...
Kapil Bhalla, national director of the International Award for Young People, India, said: “We are deeply honoured to welcome His Royal Highness The Duke of Edinburgh to India as part of his ...
Buckingham Palace said Edward will travel to Mumbai and Delhi to promote The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award. During the visit, which runs from Sunday to Tuesday, the royal will meet ...
The Duke of Edinburgh, called on the Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar at Vice-President's Enclave on Monday. The leaders underlined the significance of trade, education, people-to-people connect ...
His Royal Highness visited the school as patron of The International Award for Young People (IAYP), part of The Duke of Edinburgh's International Award Foundation. Instituted in 1956, the awards ...
In 1956, Philip founded the Duke of Edinburgh's Award, which is widely recognised as the world's leading youth achievement prize. The scheme encourages youngster's development through volunteering ...