"If we don't know what the wildlife host is, we can't know how, where or when that will be." Scientists make major ...
In March 2014, the largest Ebola virus disease outbreak in history presented West Africa ... the disease claimed more than 11,000 lives and infected over 28,000 people (see Chart 1). Ebola also caused ...
“If we don’t know what the wildlife host is, we can’t know how, where or when that will be.” The biggest filovirus outbreak, caused by Ebola virus, occurred in three West African countries from 2014 ...
Scientists don’t know the natural reservoir of Ebola, but they suspect the first person infected in an outbreak acquired the virus through contact with an infected animal or eating its raw meat.
More than 40 years after it was identified, the Ebola virus continues to defy drugs, treatment plans—and experts’ best efforts to solve its mysteries. Ebola vaccine has to be kept cold.
The biggest filovirus outbreak, caused by Ebola virus, occurred in three West African countries from 2014 to 2016. It killed more than 11,000 people and infected more than 28,000. More recently ...