Catherine the Great moved to a foreign land as a teenager and became one of the most important leaders in history. Known for ...
These rules are difficult to formalize and often apply to only a narrow subset of fonts. Recent advances in AI-based font generation models have focused on creating and predicting fonts rather ...
Enlightenment 0.27, released this week, brings a wealth of incremental improvements to users of this unique desktop environment. Though not as well known or widely used as GNOME, Xfce, KDE Plasma, et ...
“There can be no real accommodation with the Enlightenment,” he writes, “since many of its easy bromides have become deadly falsehoods in our time.” In particular, he refers to the ...
As a consequence, the Court observed that all legislation ‘must be illuminated by divine enlightenment (sinar ketuhanan), and therefore all laws must be harmonious with the values of Pancasila, ...