Johnson, and Chavez wanted El Malcriado to remain neutral on the issue while the rest of the staff was highly critical of the Mexican-American draft, even publishing a letter from a Chicano soldier ...
quien propuso desechar el recurso de revisión interpuesto por Arvizu Romano, quien buscaba echar abajo la resolución del Sexto Tribunal Colegiado en Materia Administrativa. Mismo que rechazó ...
En sesión, los ministros rechazaron por unanimidad de cinco votos el amparo directo en revisión que interpuso Arvizu, el cual era su última carta para librar el pago millonario que le ordenó en 2022 ...
Applicants can show their Chicano pride on the road by making a one-time $50 donation to El Movimiento Sigue. While some money will fund El Movimiento Sigue's Rita J. Martinez Youth Leadership ...
Garcia was a 10-year member of the HPD's famous Chicano Squad and a founder of the Organization of Spanish Speaking Officers. His life-long love of motorcycles led to the creation of the Thin Blue ...
En un comunicado oficial, La Universidad resaltó y agradeció el aporte a la ciencia y la salud del país y envió las condolencias a su familia. Manuel Elkin Patarroyo Murillo nació en Ataco, Tolima, en ...
The effort to get the Chicana/o plate was led by the Pueblo-based nonprofit, El Movimiento Sigue, to celebrate Colorado’s community of Mexican Americans. The group collected well over the necessary ...
Last June, Governor Jared Polis approved the creation of the 'Chicana/Chicano Pride' license plate. As of January 1, anyone can apply for it. The plate was created by El Movimento Sigue ...
El Movimiento Sigue is a Pueblo-based advocacy group that aims “to preserve and celebrate Chicanx/Indigenous cultures and their history” through conferences, training, events and collaboration ...