Traditional black holes, as predicted by Albert Einstein's theory of General Relativity, contain what are known as singularities, i.e. points where the laws of physics break down. Identifying how ...
Traditional black holes, as predicted by Albert Einstein's theory of General Relativity, contain what are known as ...
A scientific discovery that could transform the study of warp drive is now under wraps at the U.S. Defense Advanced Research ...
In the past year, Dasia Hood has been making an indelible mark for herself on the local art scene. As part of that journey, ...
The term exotic matter refers to a type of matter that has unusual properties not found in ordinary matter. It often has a negative energy density, creates repulsive gravitational effects ...
A look back at the Office of Technology Assessment, the Congressional think tank that detected lies and tested tech.
Black holes may soon reveal their deepest secrets. A team of researchers has made a discovery that could revolutionize our ...
Southern Zone, has recently disposed of two cases related to exotic plantations in Kerala’s forests.  The cases were filed suo motu by the tribunal based on news articles published in newspapers. The ...