Perth and Kinross Council has recommended councillors give planning approval for new holiday apartments at a popular ...
Barclays Bank Plc, Bank Street, Hemsworth, WF9 4JX: Change of use of former bank, store and first floor residential flat to ...
The following planning applications have been submitted to Mid Sussex District Council, Lewes District Council and the South ...
All of these planning applications can be found under the Public Notices on the homepage of You will also find notices about temporary closures of footpaths and roads as ...
The latest weekly planning applications to Havering Council include a proposal for a phone mast near the Good Intent pub near Hornchurch.
18.You can tell the difference between cheap pasta and expensive pasta by looking at them: On the left is the cheaper pasta, ...
Permission has been sought for various extensions, replacements, and changes of use across County Durham this week starting Monday March 3.
Upper Pits, Beck Farm, Netherton Lane, Netherton, Wakefield, WF4 4HL: Detached agricultural building for crop and hay storage ...
Here are the latest planning applications received by Winchester City Council for the week beginning March 2, 2025.
Moving house can be so expensive that it’s wise to consider you and your family’s long term, as well as current needs, when looking for your next home.
The following planning applications have been made to Chichester District Council and South Downs National Park Authority ...