Get Your Family Ready and Safe ... makes disaster preparedness fun and accessible. Get your kit today and help kids get ready and get safe. Save the Children, America’s leading expert on emergency ...
Your supplies kit should contain items to help you manage during these outages. Water, food and clean air are important things to have if an emergency happens. Each family or individual's kit ...
Be sure every member of your family knows the phone number for this contact and has a cell phone, coins or a prepaid phone card to call the emergency contact. If you have a cell phone, program ...
Complete with jumper cables, a shop cloth, a mini flashlight, duct tape, batteries, cable ties and a two-in-one screwdriver, ...
Safety and security have been top priorities for government and business for several years. Familiar protocols and processes continue to change as public and cyber security measures alter the way ...
Everyone in the family knows where our first aid kit lives in the car ... aid equipment in the world will be useless if you ...
Preparing for an ice/snowstorm, or other potential natural disasters, is important in keeping you and your families safer. Winter storms can create dangerous roads and a higher risk of frostbite, ...