The Ancient Graffiti Project, a research team that has included around 70 people over the past several years to locate and study graffiti from the early Roman Empire, has painstakingly documented and ...
Rajan Philips Political Coming of Age Both the observance of Independence Day and its erstwhile detractors would seem to have come of age at last, after 77 years. Tongue in cheek commentators have ...
Pharmaceutical drugs prescribed by medical specialists – doctors – are taken universally. This brand of medicine named allopathic medicine, also known as biomedicine, conventional/ mainstream /or ...
In the 21st century, it is hard to find a tribe that is untouched by the effects of colonialism. It is well-known that ...
Is it possible to see into the future Many believe that a man named Michel de Nostradamus could His predictions of the future have mystified scholars for over four hundred years Nostradamus made over ...