Released in 1997, Good Will Hunting not only showcased the genius of Matt Damon and Ben Affleck as writers but also highlighted Robin Williams in a role that earned him an Academy Award for Best ...
Good Will Hunting was released in 1997, but its plot remains timeless. Directed by Gus Van Sant and written by Ben Affleck and Matt Damon, it tells the story of a janitor at MIT who's a self ...
We cut through the bottomless list of streaming options and recommend something to watch. See all our Netflix movie of the day picks, or our Prime Video movie of the day choices. With a different ...
A new Ben Affleck–Matt Damon collab is coming: Here are all their projects together so far Ben Affleck and Matt Damon blew all their Good Will Hunting money in 6 months on a party house and Jeeps ...
With a different cast, Good Will Hunting might not have been a success: its 97% Rotten Tomatoes critical rating is due largely to Robin Williams' incredible performance. Stars Matt Damon and Ben ...