RIT's Writing Intensive structure attempts to embed courses rich in writing throughout the curriculum of each program, providing students with writing-to-learn opportunities within their disciplines ...
This course is designed to help you craft various works of fiction, poetry, and nonfiction. In addition to in-class writing exercises, creative exercises outside of class, and discussions, you will ...
This workshop is for writers at every level who want to strengthen skills, generate new work, apply revision strategies, and create a supportive writing community. This course provides a basic and ...
A required course fee covers the price of an online writing review platform and other course costs. Students enrolled in ENGL 1060: Writing, Research, and Inquiry must purchase one custom, slim ...
A series of creative writing courses offers students a practical, theoretical, and historical understanding of the art and craft of writing nonfiction, fiction prose, and poetry, as well as ...
Our mission is to teach writing as communication, expression, and a habit of inquiry. Our first-year writing courses emphasize critical inquiry and prepare students to research and enter academic ...
We teach a wide range of courses in fiction, nonfiction ... and to bring their prose passions to writing for scientific communities, for public radio, for political campaigns. We recognize that prose ...
You can offer one-on-one tutoring services or create and sell online handwriting courses. If you're looking for steady, ...
The CWA writing courses are open to any undergraduate at Northwestern who has met the prerequisite of having already taken one writing-intensive course at Northwestern. They are taught by Visiting ...
When you write a course description, it is important to keep the following best practices in mind: Use generic terms when referencing software. Only use specific software names if they are the central ...