Use the alphabets in the boxes given above to navigate to airports lists. For example to find IATA airport code starting with 'A', click on the alphabet 'A', for airports starting with IATA Code 'B', ...
As a result, airlines do not and rather use three-letter codes determined by the International Air Transport Association (IATA). Orlando Internation Airport's IATA code remained MCO in honor of ...
IATA has published its annual air safety report for 2024, which shows that the overall situation deteriorated during the year versus 2023.
Given below is the alphabetic listing of IATA Codes of airports around the world. This page lists all Airports with IATA Code starting in Z. Get complete list of airports based on their IATA Code.
IATA and 123Carbon have partnered to create interoperability between their Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) registries, ensuring transparency and preventing duplicate emissions reporting.