On receiving news that former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh had passed away on Thursday night, His Holiness the Dalai Lama wrote to his widow Gursharan Kaur to express his sadness on Friday.
Georgina Rodriguez si sta godendo le vacanze di Natale sulla neve insieme alla famiglia. Sebbene al momento preferisca tenere la location scelta per il viaggio invernale top secret, è certo che ...
Che Natale sarebbe senza lama? Anzi, per essere precisi, senza alpaca. A Rovigo, infatti, questi meravigliosi animali, allevati e accuditi da Fabio Benetti, all'agriturismo Corte Benetti, sono ormai ...
The Dalai Lama, aged 89, has reassured his followers about his health, stating he might live to 110. He provided updates on his knee surgery and spoke about succession plans. The Tibetan government-in ...
The 14th Dalai Lama is not getting any younger and the lack of clarity over his succession seems to have worried his followers about his overall health and the future of Tibetan Buddhists without him.
Kushalnagar: Tibetan Spiritual Guru The Dalai Lama will visit the Tibetan Settlement at Bylakuppe on Jan. 4, 2025, according to Kelkhang Rinpoche, Secretary of the Tashi Lhunpo Monastery. As per his ...
By Josh Ocampo and Anna Kodé “You know about Mitchell-Lama?” Timothée Chalamet asked ... baby,” as the “the new housing justice icon” for mentioning the program.
Strade, piazze e parchi gremiti ieri, sabato 14 dicembre 2024, per il Presepe vivente a Cernusco sul Naviglio organizzato per il sedicesimo anno dell’Istituto Aurora - Bachelet. Oltre 700 i figuranti ...
Microsoft e i fornitori di terze parti usano i cookie per l'archiviazione e l'accesso a informazioni, quali gli ID univoci, per distribuire, gestire e migliorare servizi e annunci. Se si accetta ...
Desiree Lama is a 20-something-year-old PhD student living in Austin, Texas. She was diagnosed with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis during high school at only 17 years old but began ...