In the heart of the South Bronx stands the South Bronx Literacy Academy, a small, unassuming building overshadowed by the surrounding charter schools. Left Behind, directed by Anna Toomey with support ...
"Good Morning America" co-anchor Robin Roberts leads ABC News correspondents in discussing 2024's most memorable stories and ...
ABC News’ Juju Chang speaks to actor Alessandro Nivola about his roles in “The Brutalist” and “Kraven the Hunter” -- both in theaters now. Kate Beckinsale Tells Set Horror Stories ...
ABC News' Juju Chang walks through 2024 in review, including the biggest films like “Gladiator” and “Wicked,” the biggest singers like Taylor Swift and Beyonce, and the biggest trends.
“Nightline” co-anchor Juju Chang, “20/20” co-anchor Deborah Roberts and ABC News correspondent Will Reeve will all join for the special. The special, now in its 14th year, includes ...
"We are proud to announce we are expecting our first child in January 2025" Blanchard later shared more about her pregnancy in an interview in July with ABC News' Juju Chang, saying, "I'm excited.