Nicotine pouches have become a multibillion-dollar industry. Now Cannadips and other brands are putting their money where your mouth is. InOctober 2011, Cliff Sammet and his friends pulled a Ford ...
This story was featured in The Must Read, a newsletter in which our editors recommend one can’t-miss story every weekday. Sign up here to get it in your inbox. “Dinner, club, Zyn, another club.” ...
“Bro, all I have in here are Zyns and Adderall.” – a student trapped in a lecture hall as he opened his backpack. (Zyns and Adderall were, in fact, all that he had.) In a two-hour graduate ...
In an Instagram post by @overheardonwallstreet, a user that posts memes for primarily young bankers, they include photos of Adderall capsules, a Celsius and Zyns, claiming that they are just a part of ...