Kotobukiya has revealed a new plastic model kit featuring a mecha-musume version of Transformers‘ Optimus Prime designed by Humikane Shimada, who is also known for his works in titles like ...
In Akira Kurosawa's Seven Samurai, seven (surprise!) samurai led by Kambei, who says he has "never won a battle," defend a village and its farmers against raiding bandits. At the end of the movie ...
MONTGOMERY — Shikellamy's Ryleigh Ziants picked up four bonus-point wins on her way to the 136-pound title at the Matness at the MACC on Saturday. Ziants, a freshman, helped Shikellamy finish ...
The night before a road game, players on the Marquette men’s basketball team like to make a trip to an empty opposing arena. The idea is to hoist up a few shots and get a feel for unfamiliar rims.