A study by economists shows a wide gap between the kinds of math problems kids who work in retail markets do well and the kinds of problems kids in school do well.
A study highlights the divide between intuitive math skills used by Indian kids in markets and the formal methods taught in ...
Being good at math on the go, as seen in Indian kids working in markets, does not often translate into classroom arithmetic, ...
Houston, implied Monday wealthy parents enroll their children in private schools so the kids are not with 'your kids.' ...
Some lawmakers’ top education priority this year at the state Capitol is to ban cell phones in Oklahoma classrooms.
Virtually all of the teachers I met regard viewpoint neutrality as a sacred obligation. It’s Trump’s order that is ...
One elementary school teacher investigates what's happening and finds that the boys crisis might not be what we think.
The apps that teens use most during school are messaging, Instagram, video streaming, audio and email — suggesting they're ...
Intuitively solving a problem like multiplying 43 by 11, they might first multiply 43 by 10, and then add 43, reaching the ...
State law doesn't require the superintendent to hold an active educator's license. But it's unusual for those seeking the job ...
"I believe cell phones are having a detrimental impact on student learning in the classroom," a Jefferson County Board of ...