Leanna Goose grew up ricing manoomin (wild rice) as a member of the Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe.  “Wild rice is culturally ...
Its over-reliance on virtual sessions is unhelpful in a region with variable internet connectivity. PNG, with the lion’s share of the PEV quotas, should certainly have an in-country office. Comments ...
That is roughly the equivalent of the surface area of Upper and Lower Red Lake, Mille Lacs, and Leech Lake combined. Last year alone, an estimated 712,000 acres were defoliated by the budworm.
But leeches aren’t just useful at crime scenes. These creatures’ sanguineous appetites have also come in handy for scientists, who are hoping to use them to solve another mystery: the diversity of ...
SARANAC LAKE — Perhaps the best way not to find leeches is to go looking for them. There are some 700 species of leeches in the world, and about 500 of them live in freshwater. Not all of them ...