or multiple lymph nodes, none more than 5 cm in greatest dimension N2 Multiple regional lymph node metastasis in the true pelvis (hypogastric, obturator, external iliac or presacral lymph node ...
If you notice constant and chronic swelling in your legs, it can be a sign of advanced bladder cancer—particularly if the cancer has spread to the lymph nodes in the pelvic area, according to doctors ...
"If the lymph nodes around the abdomen or pelvis swell, it could be linked to cancers like pancreatic cancer or infections affecting the gastrointestinal system." 'Superficial lymph nodes', like ...
The cancer has spread from your bladder into your pelvic or abdominal wall. It may have spread to nearby lymph nodes, but not to distant parts of the body. The cancer has spread to distant lymph ...
anus), negative nodes IIIA Tumor of any size with positive inguino-femoral lymph nodes (i) 1 lymph node metastasis greater than or equal to 5 mm ...
Stage 3 ovarian cancer has spread outside the pelvis into the abdominal cavity or to lymph nodes. Treatment includes surgery and chemotherapy. Stage 3A1 means the cancer has spread to the lymph nodes ...
At least one of your tumour markers levels is raised (S1, S2 or S3). In stage 2 the cancer cells have spread from the testicle into nearby lymph nodes in your tummy (abdomen) or pelvis. You might have ...
Know the First Signs of This Silent Threat Also known as lymphedema, bladder cancer causes swelling in the leg as the cancer spreads to the lymph nodes in the pelvic area, blocking the drainage of ...