Even Michael Keaton can’t explain why he was in Morbius. The Beetlejuice star reprised the role in the Spider-Man spin-off in a confusing cameo. In the mid-credits scene, Adrian Toomes (Keaton ...
($163 million, planetwide, which would be considered a pretty soft opening weekend for a big Marvel film ... for a second outing by Michael Morbius, Terrible Doctor, reached a new inflection ...
Directed by Daniel Espinosa, Morbius follows Michael Morbius (Jared Leto), a world-renowned doctor in search of a cure to the rare blood disease that afflicts him and his childhood friend Milo ...
Marvel Studios’ expansive Phase 5 and Phase 6 projects make the timing of these rumors noteworthy. Morbius, initially criticized, has gained renewed interest on streaming platforms like Disney+ ...