An Olive Ridley turtle came to Juhu Beach — only to be driven away by disturbance. Experts say without proper intervention ...
The discovery of a golden scaleless fish in China is helping scientists understand how animals evolved to live in caves.
Recent sightings of the rare oarfish in Baja California Sur have reignited ancient myths linking these deep-sea creatures to ...
Unusual ocean events like the surfacing of oarfish, mass whale strandings, and anglerfish near shore indicate potential ...
It is not common for the oarfish, a deep sea, ribbon shaped creature, to wash up on shore, but when it does, some believe it ...
Unusual marine events, from mass whale strandings to deep-sea creatures appearing in shallow waters, have sparked concerns ...
Strange ocean happenings, from deep-sea creatures surfacing to whale strandings, may signal a deeper environmental shift tied ...
U.S. oarfish sightings continue to spark debate over whether these rare deep-sea creatures sense seismic activity before earthquakes. While folklore calls them doomsday harbingers scientists are ...
Oarfish sightings have long been linked to earthquakes in popular myths but scientists are now exploring whether these deep-sea giants could actually detect seismic shifts. Oarfish normally live ...
The oarfish, or "doomsday fish," surfaced in Mexico in February 2025, igniting superstitions about disasters. These rare deep-sea fish dwell 200 to 2,000 meters deep. The frilled shark ...
In a recent and unusual encounter off the coast of Baja California Sur, a shimmery, slinky oarfish—a creature of the deep rarely seen near the surface—has re-ignited longstanding doomsday legends.
Similarly, anglerfish—typically found in the ocean’s darkest depths—have been observed in shallower waters. Marine biologists believe rising ocean temperatures and shifting currents may be disrupting ...