People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) is calling to ax a beloved American tradition – and to replace it with what it calls a "delicious" vegan substitution. The animal rights ...
Sebab, saat ini banyak rumah dijual dengan harga terjangkau. Salah satu daerah yang menyediakan rumah murah di bawah Rp 170 juta ada bisa kamu temukan di Kabupaten Serdang Bedagai, Sumatera Utara.
Aman Bunga Wisata 2 dikembangkan oleh Serdang Permai Mandiri. Dalam situs SiKumbang, perusahaan tersebut tercatat menjadi anggota Perkumpulan Asosiasi Pengembang Perumahan dan Permukiman Seluruh ...
(WTAJ) — The People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) announced that they offered the Groundhog Club President a yearly sweet treat to make their weather prediction in exchange for the ...
Sky News host Peta Credlin discusses the “battle for survival” in her hometown of Wycheproof in northwestern Victoria. ACEN Australia is planning to build a large-scale wind project on ...
MEDAN, - Polisi menangkap delapan orang komplotan begal yang kerap beraksi membawa celurit di Jalan Lintas Sumatera Desa Sei Sijenggi, Kecamatan Perbaungan, Kabupaten Serdang Bedagai ...
Serdang police chief AA Anbalagan says the suspect is believed to have provided treatment with no licence or certification from the authorities. Police are investigating a man suspected of using ...
PETA is planning two demonstrations this week in the Harrisburg region including one at an Allison Hill chicken restaurant. The organization’s “Hell on Wheels” truck will be parked outside ...
Pemerintah Kabupaten Serdang Bedagai (Pemkab Sergai) menyatakan dukungan penuh terhadap program penanaman jagung serentak 1 juta hektar yang diprakarsai oleh Kapolri Jenderal Listyo Sigit Prabowo dan ...
PETA, an animal rights group, wants Phil to stop his charade and be replaced with a giant vegan “Weather Reveal” cake. PETA says they will provide the cake if Phil retires with his family to a ...
PITTSBURGH (KDKA) — Groundhog Day is just around the corner, and PETA is again trying to offer up an alternative to Punxsutawney Phil. Every year, PETA tries to convince the Punxsutawney ...
"Sadar bahwa S sudah menjadi korban penipuan MHB yang pada saat ini keberadaannya tidak diketahui, S kemudian melaporkan kejadian ini ke SPKT Polres Serdang Bedagai," ujar Zulfan. Zulfan mengatakan ...