MRCP(UK), FRCP(Edin), FRCP(Lond), FRCPCH(UK), FSLCPaed, FCCP, Hony. FRCPCH(UK), Hony. FCGP(SL) Specialist Consultant ...
Atlanta-based workers are baffled by Trump administration cuts to research that directly supports departmental health improvement goals.
The past year for the Illinois cannabis industry revealed continuing tensions and disparity between the rosy picture painted by officials; the ...
CLEAResult in collaboration with PG&E announced that Los Gatos Tomato Products received nearly $1 million in utility incentives.
People who vape and smoke cigarettes are far less likely to leave nicotine behind than people who only smoke cigarettes. While the long-term health effects are unclear, vaping introduces harmful ...
All 10 products found to contain nicotine were also found to exceed the limit on the amount of e-liquid permitted in vapes. Ten products found to contain nicotine also exceeded the limit on the ...
Vaping does not help smokers quit, a study published Wednesday by UC San Diego researchers found, refuting a common misconception among tobacco and e-cigarette users. The report, published ...
“Most smokers think vaping will help you quit smoking,” study co-author John P. Pierce, Ph.D., said in a news release. “However, this belief is not supported by science to date. While some ...
Vegetable Glycerin (VG): Provides thicker vapor and a smoother experience. It’s typically less irritating for the throat. Propylene Glycol (PG): Offers a stronger throat hit and better flavor ...
These include; water, nicotine, choice of flavor, and vegetable glycerin base or propylene glycol (alternatively a mixture of PG and VG) 6. Why is there no airflow in my vape mod? When you notice ...