SB54 put an end to polystyrene — which had low recycling rates and high levels of pollution — in California. But the plastic ...
If only the story had ended there. Despite that legislative success, the poorer nations of the world have never stopped being ...
President Trump delights in alarming opponents and aiding friends in polluting industries By Keith Schneider, Circle of Blue ...
Plastic is the most prevalent marine pollutant, and plastic surfaces are the fastest growing habitat in the ocean.
US President Donald Trump reversed a target set by his predecessor Joe Biden to eliminate plastic straws across government ...
A viral turtle video sparked a global movement and inspired millions to join the fight against plastic waste. View on ...
Oceana’s U.S. plastics campaign director, Christy Leavitt said President Trump is “going in the wrong direction on single-use ...
Researchers at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa recently discovered that many species of fungi isolated from Hawai‘i’s ...
WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump is moving to reverse a federal push away from plastic straws, declaring that paper ...
Donald Trump has defended his decision to revert back to using single-use plastic straws again after having recently signed ...
It’s fun to conceptualise like this, and set the human story within the grand perspective of Earth’s history. But there’s a ...
Straws might seem insignificant, inspiring jokes about the plastic vs. paper debate, but the plastic straw has come to ...