Explore the catchy, beautiful lyrics of "Taste" by Sabrina Carpenter! Dive into a world of musical artistry and lyrical genius. Explore now!
Most great music inspires rumors and speculation. Some have claimed that Petula Clark’s “Downtown” was offered to a massive 1960s band. Here is what Clark’s songwriter had to say.
We're nearly ready to welcome March and a fresh lineup of local events, including live music, but not before we bid farewell ...
The star who sang Please Please Please, Sabrina Carpenter has been making headlines. Her single Espresso, has ranked at #2 on ...
Sasser Fine Arts Hall at Santa Fe College’s Northwest Campus, 3000 NW 83 Street, Gainesville.  The SF contemporary pop ...
It would seem that ideology was short-lived as Kanye West’s latest tweets have contentiously re-affirmed his interest in ...
American music, in all its rich diversity, owes its very foundation to Black artists. From jazz and blues to rock, disco, hip ...
Making music is all about finding harmony between the instruments. However, that doesn't stop the people playing those ...
Perfume Genius (Mike Hadreas) and Aldous Harding share “No Front Teeth,” a surreal excursion that seesaws between pretty folk ...
The result was Capaldi's first album St Christopher, released in 2021, and that set in motion a return to Glasgow for the latest release, Sweet Illusions. Dr Robert had signed to a small Glasgow indie ...
With Beale Street Music Festival set to return in 2026, we asked readers what their favorite past performances were. Here's ...