Szczepan Twardoch, Quentin Tarantino i Igor Brejdygant – najnowsze książki tych autorów trafiły ostatnio na półki Biblioteki Publicznej Miasta i Gminy Pleszew. Dlaczego warto po nie sięgnąć? O tym dla ...
Developers are looking at using a tax abatement for office-to-resi conversions in Manhattan while using 485-x to build ...
Laos znany jest jako "kraina miliona słoni". Brzmi to poetycko i pasuje do tego magicznego kraju bez dostępu do morza nad ...
Minęło już 8 lat, kiedy do Pana odszedł pierwszy biskup legnicki Tadeusz Rybak.
Father McGivney senior Elena Rybak was named to the 2024-25 All-State Academic Team by the IHSA. There were 26 student-athletes who earned the honor.
Mateusz Rybak ma za sobą kolejne zwycięskie walki. Zawodnik K.O. ZAK Gorzów najpierw podczas gali Raju MMA w estońskim Tallinie ...
Democrats in town now outnumber Republicans by a small margin. Ram Lalukota, chair of the Democratic party in Clifton Park, ...
Arkadiusz Rybak, who went from bar development manager to Rosewood Hong Kong’s director of bars; and Gagan Gurung, who spent seven years climbing the ladder from waiter to assistant bar manager.
Alexander Rybak is a renowned Belarusian-born Norwegian musician, actor and composer. Born on May 13, 1986, in Minsk, he rose to fame after winning the Eurovision Song Contest in 2009 with his song ...
Jason Rybak, an inspector with the Thunder Bay police who was a lead investigator on the Morrisseau fraud, told The Globe on Friday that McGill is “another victim in a long list of institutions ...
Smith started in politics at the local level, managing campaigns and eventually serving as chief of staff for former Minneapolis Mayor R.T. Rybak. She went on to become chief of staff for former Gov.