North Atlantic right whale found dead off Virginia coast, New England Aquarium researchers say Another three newborn right whale calves have disappeared this year, the aquarium said. And seven ...
They're supposed to be back in the ocean, not in here." Thankfully, experts say the juvenile 30-foot humpback whale is not stranded, it worked it's way into the harbor Thursday morning from the ...
Whale song is more similar to human language than previously thought, research has found. The study, led by the University of St Andrews, revealed a previously undetected “language-like ...
The endangered whales visit Cape Cod Bay each year, where researchers count and track them, hoping the species returns from ...
A dead whale washed up on the Delaware River near the Delaware Memorial Bridge on Sunday morning. Ritter Dragonfly Dronography captured photos of the whale on Sunday at Pigeon Point. The Marine ...
PUNTA ARENAS, Chile — A Chilean man was given the scare of a lifetime when he briefly ended up in the mouth of a humpback whale while kayaking off Chilean Patagonia, reports say. The father of ...
Reviewers say they learn a lot about whales and see both ... the Pilgrim Belle. When is whale watching season in Cape Cod? Whale watching season in Cape Cod is from mid-April to October.