Shah Rukh Khan and son AbRam were recently seen in Mumbai, with photos showing SRK holding an umbrella over AbRam melting hearts online. Earlier, AbRam attended a Coldplay concert with Suhana and ...
Shah Rukh Khan and his younger son AbRam Khan have the most heartwarming bond, and it is visible every time they step out together. They were recently spotted in the city and SRK holding his umbrella ...
In a questionable tweet, a netizen claimed that Shah Rukh Khan looked 85. They also compared him to Salman Khan.
Recently the 23-year-old actress and social media influencer, Jannat Zubair, surpassed Bollywood king Shah Rukh Khan in the number of Instagram followers.
Actor Varun Kulkarni, who appeared in 'Dunki', is facing severe kidney issues and requires frequent dialysis. His friend ...
Shah Rukh Khan has been avoiding media attention, often hiding under umbrellas. In an exclusive chat with Zoom, his former security head, Yusuf Ibrahim, admits not knowing the 'personal reasons' but ...
Coldplay's Chris Martin thrilled Indian fans at a Mumbai concert by giving a shoutout to Shah Rukh Khan, who shared the ...
Shah Rukh Khan expressed his gratitude after Chris Martin gave him a special shout-out, saying Shah Rukh Khan, forever, ...
Saif Ali Khan has been discharged from Lilavati Hospital after being hospitalized for stab wounds from a robbery attempt. US ...