The University of Sheffield leads the UK in engineering research income and investment, according to the latest figures from ...
Maps from WXCHARTS show that on Tuesday, March 18, by 6 p.m., snow will cover 293 miles from Edinburgh to Birmingham. The ...
It has taken over 15 years for Sheffield author Neil Anderson to uncover the truth—"dispelling over eight decades of myths ...
The UK is bracing for a major winter storm as weather maps turn shades of deep purple and orange, indicating heavy snowfall ...
WXCharts data show the storm engulfing a massive chunk of the British Isles next week - with multiple cities, stretching from ...
A section of the River Sheaf hidden underground for more than 100 years has been uncovered as part of work on the site of ...
Last week fans of hit 90s boyband Five were sent into a frenzy when the group announced they were heading back out on tour as ...
The UK is braced for snow and heavy rain as a storm is set to batter major cities, according to early projections from WX ...
Police want to speak to two men after metal worth £12,000 was stolen from a Sheffield manufacturing plant. At 6.50am on ...
The maps and charts, based off Met Desk data and compiled by WX Charts, show a whiteout is set to hit the UK as February ...
The Met Office has said rain accompanied by strong winds will make for very poor weather conditions today, especially on roads.
Large parts of the country are set to be in for wintry weather, according to WX Charts, which uses Met Desk data to make its projections.