The Nazis at Auschwitz then focused greater attention on the Gypsies (Roma and Sinti) who had been imprisoned at Birkenau for some time. “There were moments, moments which one really prefers not ...
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VILLACH - Z for "Zigeuner" -- "Gypsy", then a number ... Rosa Schneeberger is one of the few remaining Sinti, an itinerant community that has been around since medieval times in western Europe ...
On Monday, 10 March 2025, dozens of people commemorated the 82nd anniversary of the mass deportation of Roma and Sinti from ...
On the night of August 2, 1944, German guards killed 4,300 men, women and children held at the so-called Gypsy Family Camp ..
This exhibition examines the Nazi genocide against the Roma and Sinti by uncovering the stories of some of those affected by the genocide. It explores the struggle that Roma have had in gaining ...
In addition, the Commission calls for "effective and sustainable participation structures at all levels for Sinti and Roma communities". Media corporations and newsrooms are urged to take into account ...