In Slime Heroes, journey through a whimsical world entrusted to an unlikely hero, a slime, tasked to save it from a mysterious corruption.
An immersive story can leave players with long-lasting memories and times a game made an impact on their lives. When a game constructs a story that pushes the player's emotions to the forefront ...
One of Stockton Miracle Mile's newest tenants is open for slimy business, literally. At Slime 209, you can create your own slime with charms, scents, glitter, and even choose a base of your choice.
Slime Rancher is a popular indie life sim in which players take on the role of Beatrix LeBeau, constructing a ranch, exploring the lands around them, and, most importantly, collecting, raising ...
Horamavu Agara Lake was restored at Rs 4 crore just 2 years ago, but with sewage flowing into the lake unhindered, citizens say deterioration will be hard to undo if authorities don’t act now ...
By James Hibberd Writer-at-Large “It’s a very, very clever story,” Allen told Collider. “Do you wanna do five of these [movies]? I don’t really believe it’s about the money.
"We obviously have Dee-Dee as well in 2025. Just when you thought the Joel story had come to an end, there is another chapter that happens that is going to completely upend Dee-Dee's life.