A barstool or counter stool can feel like an afterthought. A quick and easy finishing touch on a renovation, or a small kitchen upgrade once kids have grown old enough to have homework assignments.
Additionally, especially when Crohn’s disease is active, blood or mucus in stools is common. Blood in the stool can make it appear red or even black. The brighter the color of red in the poop ...
Nick Blackmer is a librarian, fact-checker, and researcher with more than 20 years of experience in consumer-facing health and wellness content. Extra mucus in your throat and chest is a common ...
It often comes with congestion and a nagging cough. The phlegm, mucus, and discharge from the infection can have a metallic taste that enters your mouth when you cough. The cold is an extremely ...
Other tests require you to collect stool samples on more than one day. You then send the samples, in a special container and envelope, directly to your doctor's office for analysis with a ...
Constipation after a colonoscopy is common. Hydration and movement can help restore normal digestion. Stool softeners can help relieve symptoms. Call your doctor if symptoms last over five days.
When a person has black or dark-colored mucus, they may have inhaled potentially harmful pollutants. Coughing up black mucus may also be due to an underlying infection or condition. Mucus serves ...
School of Engineering and Design, Department of Materials Engineering, Technical University of Munich, Boltzmannstraße 15, 85748 Garching, Germany Center for Protein Assemblies and Munich Institute of ...
Honor Swinton Byrne (“The Souvenir,” “A Very Royal Scandal”) and Rory Fleck-Byrne (“In Camera,” “This is Going to Hurt”) have been tapped to lead the cast of “Do Mosquitos Bite ...