For over a year, the Kremlin-funded website International Reporters has been masquerading as a professional news outlet in order to spread Russian disinformation. Using a misleading name that implies ...
Michael Nelmes steps us through the Soviet space shuttle program. Dozens more USAID staff ousted as Trump administration ...
The broad scope of that program, authorized under section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, also allows law enforcement to search through data that could include information from ...
Research on the former Soviet region explores geopolitics of various states, the domestic, foreign and security policy of Russia, and the conflict in Ukraine. Key projects currently include responding ...
The Soviet space program was hampered by quality and safety problems, and despite early Kremlin propaganda feats, America won the space race with the 1969 Moon landing. The bad news is that the ...
WASHINGTON WAS abuzz on February 14th with news of a mysterious Russian space weapon. Mike Turner, chairman of the House intelligence committee, urged the White House to declassify intelligence on ...
"It's very clear that the Russian economy is definitely not as strong ... leaving Russia suggested a struggling economy, as did the space photos of Moscow. "There is over Moscow, for example ...
At the height of the Cold War in the 1960s, Congress was concerned about the Soviet Union and China spreading ... deemed to be "communist political propaganda." An intended American recipient ...
This tells us that the velocity at which a galaxy is being carried away from us by the expansion of space is equal to its distance multiplied by the expansion rate, quantified as the Hubble constant.
The physical limitations of modern spacecraft pose significant challenges for reaching interstellar space in a human lifetime, especially with limited room onboard for carrying propellant or ...
The idealized version of Soviet history that Russians have been embracing is both dangerous for the people and alluring to a strongman like President Vladimir Putin. After all, if the people are ...
Britain will launch the Grain Verification Scheme in a bid to track stolen grain from Russian occupied Ukrainian territories, a government statement said Monday. The scheme was agreed on as part ...