The science that was repulsive to an idea of religious belief thus began to embrace religious ideas culminating with the discovery of the Higgs boson or ‘God particle’, completing the stan­­-dard ...
What exists at the core of a black hole? A research team led by Enrico Rinaldi, a physicist at the University of Michigan, ...
Space-time may hide a bizarre new kind of black hole that causes Einstein’s theory of gravity to fail – and could solve the ...
Rather than relying on a cheek swab or a little blood, however, these cosmic DNA tests utilize tiny ripples in the fabric of ...
A "cosmic CT scan" performed by scientists using two very different cosmic surveys has revealed the cosmos is less clumpy and ...
It was Johann Kepler, almost exactly 400 years ago, who declared that each planet speeds up as it approaches the Sun in its ...
By employing a new and improved supercollider, scientists are hoping to dissect the very fabric of the Universe and calculate ...
In an article published in Physical Review Letters on Thursday, scientists carried out an innovative study testing the ...
"As yet, nobody has managed to understand what gives rise to this strange phenomenon, and explaining dark energy remains one ...
Neutron stars, the dense remains of massive stars that have exploded in supernovae, are some of the most fascinating objects ...
A Precision Test of General Relativity. While Einstein’s famous theory of general relativity accurately describes the motion of celestial bodies in our solar system, less is kno ...
Today, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced $71 million in funding for 25 projects in high energy physics that will use the emerging technologies of quantum information science to answer ...