Learn where Redding's California Highway Patrol says drivers speed worst in Redding and Shasta County, and what fines cost speeders.
Clark Cross (Strathy letters, February 6) writes that Greenpeace and Uplift should lose their charitable status, apparently ...
The drive has arrived again within the state legislature to speed up to 75 mph certain interstate and North Carolina highway ...
Can you legally drive even just 10 mph over the speed limit in South Carolina if it’s to keep up with traffic? Here’s what ...
It's been a long time coming as Friday marks the third time this bill has been heard, but state leaders and residents are ...
Certain sections of 30th Street, University Avenue, Newport Avenue and more could soon have speed limits of 20 miles per hour ...
Community members said the streets around P.S. 357 are dangerous and pushed for more safety measures. Residents say they've ...
Crews are making their final touches on a $4.7 million road construction project in Century on Friday.Crews broke ground on ...
Exactly one year after the Colorado Supreme Court found the state's second-highest court applied the incorrect standard when ...
A measure to give county governments leeway in setting speed limits on unpaved roads has passed the Wyoming House of Representatives on three readings.